About This Lesson
In this project, students will investigate the biodiversity within their schoolyard or other local environment in order to identify the natural and invasive plant and animal species within that environment. Students will define environment and explore what makes a healthy environment. Students, will explore the traditional and medicinal uses of plants native to their environment. Finally, students will be asked to choose their favorite plant, research this plant and give a presentation on why they chose that specific plant.
This lesson is aimed toward fourth-sixth graders but can be adapted to fit other grades. Additionally, to the study of schoolyard environments, students will explore mathematical concepts such as, area and perimeter.
A list of suggested technology:
iPads and/or laptops
Telegami App - https://tellagami.com/
Field Day App - http://www.fielddayapp.com/
Google Apps access for teachers and students
KaHoot - https://getkahoot.com/
Nearpod - http://nearpod.com/home.php
Google Earth
Alaska Cultural Standards
Cultural Standards for Students E
1. Culturally-knowledgeable students demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of the relationships and processes of interaction of all elements in the world around them:
2. Understand the ecology and geography of the bioregion they inhabit.
Career and Technology Standards
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Science and Mathematics Career Pathway
- Possible careers: Biologist, Horticulturist, Botanist etc.
For more careers please continue to the following link: https://cte.careertech.org/sites/default/files/CCFrame-STEM.pdf