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You have to speak up: Lessons from the Holocaust

January 30, 2018

You have to speak up: Lessons from the Holocaust

 #9 News Story of 2018


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Note: This video contains graphic images of the Holocaust. Please preview before showing to your students.


  1. International Holocaust Remembrance Day is held each year as a way to remember the killing of 6 million Jews and millions of others during World War II.
  2. Holocaust survivor Reva Kibort tells the story of when German soldiers came to Warsaw, Poland. She was taken to a concentration camp at age 12; many children her same age were killed as well as her mother and father, cousins and grandparents.
  3. At a time when extreme right-wing groups, including anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim groups are on the rise, Kibort says, “We have to speak up. Wherever you see injustices at all, you have to speak up.”

Discussion questions

  1. Essential question Why are memorial events like International Holocaust Remembrance Day held?
  2. What are some other days of the year in which we memorialize the fallen or honor those who’ve suffered?
  3. When did you first learn about the Holocaust? From your family? In school? A book or a movie?
  4. How do you think the Holocaust should be taught?
  5. Read the quote by Reva Kibort one more time (see #3 above). Can you think of a time when you or someone you knew stood up to injustice? What were the circumstances? How did you feel at the time? How about now?
  6. What are some ways you can take a stand against intolerance and bigotry?

Extension activities

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