About This Lesson
Guide your students through a fun journey of honesty! In this expert-designed lesson, students learn about what honesty is, and the importance of being honest. Students are introduced to honesty via a letter from Menka. Then, students examine how honesty is modeled in our story The Peekapak Pals and the Trouble with the Truth.
To access this story at reading level F&P I/J (1st/2nd Grade) as well as other learning topics and activities sign up for a free account at peekapak.com, books at multiple reading levels are available in our paid plans.
Honesty is being truthful in what we say and do. Honesty can be demonstrated through what we say, such as telling the truth, including only facts, and admitting when we are wrong. Honesty can be demonstrated through what we do (our actions), such as through working hard and using our own abilities to complete a task, returning things that belong to others, and following through with our promises.