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How to Use Drive to Organize Files

How to Use Drive to Organize Files


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About This Lesson

Getting started is easy. Go to the Applied Digital Skills website and sign up to set up your first class. Check out this guide with step-by-step instructions or go directly to the lesson through this link.

This lesson uses videos to teach critical life and technology skills:


  1. Introduction to Google Drive
  2. Create Folders and Change Colors
  3. Rename, Move, and Delete Folders
  4. Upload and Add Files to Google Drive
  5. Set and Change Sharing Permissions
  6. Use Drive to Organize Files Wrap Up
  7. Extension 1: Mark Important Files
  8. Extension 2: Find a Recent File
  9. Extension 3: Check Your Google Drive Settings
  10. Extension 4: Customize Advanced Sharing Settings
  11. Extension 5: Download Files from Google Drive
  12. Extension 6: Search for Files

Life Skills

  • Understand the importance of organizational systems, specifically, how an organizational hierarchy helps you stay on track with due dates and deadlines.
  • Demonstrate confidence and self-direction by developing a consistent file naming convention and color-coding system.
  • Learn how staying organized makes it easier to collaborate with others.
  • Demonstrate logical reasoning skills by grouping similar files into folders and sub-folders, color-coding folders, and choosing which files are important.

Technology Skills

  • Demonstrate an understanding of Google Drive and cloud-based storage systems.
  • Create, name, move, and color-code folders.
  • Develop a file naming convention for files in Drive.
  • Upload a document to Google Drive.
  • Download a file from Google Drive.
  • Share files and folders and request feedback.
  • Change sharing permissions.
  • Find recent files in Google Drive.
  • “Star” important files within Google Drive.


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