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Who am I and Why: A lesson in Understanding Oneself
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Who am I and Why: A lesson in Understanding Oneself


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About This Lesson

This lesson on understanding oneself could be used during Black History, LBGTQ, Self-Awareness, and or while exploring oral recitation of poetry as it relates to the general understanding that is gained by listening to others.

Students will write a free form poem using the attached template after having read the teacher sample: Who am I and Why by Jo Ann Causey.  Students will listen to readings of the poems listed here as well as reading silently to themselves: Still I Rise by Maya Angelou, I'm Nobody by Emily Dickenson, A reading of Shakespeares, To Be or Not to Be and the lyrics of Michael Jackson's as he sings, Man In the Mirror.

Students may add resources to the classroom as approved by the teacher to support their understanding and share with peers.

Students will engage in dialogue personally in class and through the use of the Google classroom or other online application to answer these questions. 

  1. Who they are?
  2. Who these other people said they were or might be [for each source]?
  3. Who they are to join in this conversation?
  4. What difference is there between the printed word and it's oral recitation [or musically], and
  5. Which they prefer and why?

California State Standards and College and Career Readiness



CSS.W.3., 4., 5., & 6.

CCR.1., 2., 3, & 5

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Glossary Global Health.pdf

February 13, 2020
160.07 KB

Essay and Discussion Questions Global Health.pdf

February 13, 2020
72.26 KB


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