About This Lesson
Guide your students through a fun journey of respect! In this expert-designed lesson, students learn about how to show respect, and the importance of doing so. Students are introduced to respect via a letter from Zoey. Then, students examine how respect is modeled in our story The Peekapak Pals and the Berryball Champ.
To access this story at reading level F&P I/J (1st/2nd Grade) as well as other learning topics and activities sign up for a free account at peekapak.com, books at multiple reading levels are available in our paid plans.
Respect is a mindset that guides how we treat others (like following the ‘golden rule’ and treating others the way we would like them to treat us). It teaches us to act in a manner that shows we care about the feelings and wellbeing of others, our environment, and ourselves.